Today as usual I woke up , went out for lunch with family . Was listening the radio and humming along with the songs I know .. Suddenly I heard that the DJ was saying that our dear Mike has passed away this morning in Los Angelas . I was shocked and of course along with some sorrow in my heart .

The King of Pop , Micheal Jackson , one that could make almost everybody in this world go crazy over his songs . And im very sure that every single of us knew who is him . How could one don't know him , right ? Songs like Billy Jean , Black or White , Bad etc etc , everyone know the song . I think most of his songs we all knew . May not know the lyrics but Im sure all can hum along with his songs .
And of course with his famous "moonwalk" , which make him so unique from the other pop singer . ^^

U'll always be in our heart no matter how recent scandals about U . We will still not forget your prime time , your great song like Earth Song who always touches our heart . Rest in peace , Mike ! U r definitely the King of Pop . Forever will be .