Friday, June 1, 2012

Smell of the Sea under the Hot Sun

Sekinchan, it's not about the paddy field but it was and still being well known for it's fresh seafoods. So, of course being there, how can we miss to stop by at the fishing village.

Sad part of the story is that we were there after lunch which is like around 3 something, where fishing activity has long finished. So, not much of fishing activity that can be seen and shot.

Although it was a super hot sunny afternoon, but thanks to the sunny weather, I am able to catch such awesome photos of the fishing village. =)

When Lefty and Right Together, It'll Make Wonders 

 Sometimes, taking a slower time to note down the moment is not a bad idea either


All ready to fight with the fierce blue ocean 

 All mighty blue skies, I shall now bow to you