well well .. dis post will be specially for echo photography part of it . but of course watever pics i posted recently can b considered as well . la la la .

Friday, March 23, 2007
echo echo echo ...
ahaha .. yeah . today agrees with adelee that wana go coll study . so called study la . ish ish . anyway , b4 dat , i asked adelee to book a parking place for me n she did . but too bad i din drove cuz my leg cram during my sleep n mum dun feel safe let me drive . so , dad fetch me to coll lu . then saw adelee , tingting , honghong , chingyong n wewe at the foyer . wana sit down start to study de . did 2.1 hwk n wana start law . then came tingting sit bside me to chat a while . then she saw there is free drink for dun know wat day . science day or something like dat . so , tingting say let go take . so we go take lu . then wana sit down d . then tingting ask wan go join as photographer for echo not . so , i said ok . then there we go , all of us to student council .
( sorry ya .. no pics of the winner cuz is not with me ^^)
tot can study d . mana tau on the way back , saw the marigold got a contest mania n decided to join . ahaha .. ish ish . the rules of the contest is as follows : -
1) buy a 200ml of any flavour of marigold for rm1.50
2) take the contest form n fill the details
3) drink the marigold u bought n show to the counter as a proof u bought
4) u will be blind folded n asked to taste 4 types of flavour out of 10 types
5) tick in sequence the flavour u tasted
6) if u get 100% correct , u will get 2 tix of Mr Bean's Holiday movie .
ain't that easy . ahaha . yeah . so 6 of us including william joined the contest . adelee , honghong n chingyong won . woh . so we got ngam ngam 6 tix neh . ahaha . as for me , damn sad case lorh . all the taste the same 1 lorh n i oni get 1 correct . marigold bully me 1 . wuwuwu . anyway , was really fun today although end up i din really study . aargh . stress .
-- Pictures of the Day --
(hope that 5 of the pictures below will qualify for the echo interview . hehe )
-- tingting -- adelee (with honghong n tingting) -- honghong (peace + adelee) --
.. n the winner goes to ~~~
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Fav Pic of The Day
la la la .. dun know wat to post nowadays . brain had been refuse to function properly . adelee said today . brain keep playing me . wu wu wu .. sad sad neh . so , mayb i'll just post some pics bah . XD
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Redang Trip Plan
b4 i start to blog anything .. got some comment from some new frens i knew ..
"it is so nice talking to u .. is like it have been knowing u for a long long time .. " dun really know whether i am dat frenly .. akaka .. give some comment oso bah . tyty
kk .. today's blog is just basically wat happen today . it is a very very tiring day lu ..
it's a sat yet need to wake up for the sake of tax class >.< (sshhh .. dun tell ms rozi ) then .. as usual la .. study study play play sleep sleep break break study study play play then go home lu .
akaka . but for today , din go home after class lu . cuz need to go matta fair with tkj . ekeke . y go matta fair ah . cuz both of us planning for redang trip in june ma . so go there get some info lu .
wyn yan aka fat "si lai" (auntie in canton) fetched me n tkj to kelana jaya station lu . thnz ya , wynyan . on the way , oni listen to his beloved Karen Kong's songs . but not bad ler . quite love her voice . very sweet . akaka . ermm .. then , both of us took putra lrt to masjid jamek lor . ahaha . me n tkj did something memalukan there . sshhh .. cannot b tell .
came the train . count every each station . cuz there is 10 station away . ish . sit until oso wan sleep d . zzzzz . at last oso reach ! then ask ppl how to go to star lrt . tkj so blur till ask the wrong place . akaka . ish ish . so , from putra lrt to star lrt before reaching putra lu . reach there , we just ikut the crowd . then , still lost . asked a guard then show us is just opposite . so .. walk walk .. at last . reached there . super lot ppl neh ! wuwuwu . n super hot !
inside ... also just followed the crowd . then when reached the entrance , the volunteer who working there say need to but ticket b4 going in . so need to go down again . aih . tired neh . bought the ticket of rm3 per person with a bag . n there we go ! walk around the booth n asking around for info lu . at last managed to get 1 satisfying resort . so , decided to go home la . b4 tat , bought drinks from mcd cuz too thirsty . then , took ktm home lu .
roughly like dat lu .. then me , tingting n tkj keep discussing it lu cuz need to confirm by tml as the matta fair is ending tml . n im having a headache . dun know is it becuz of the weather n tired . but im still awake at this time . ahaha . forgive me la . have to sms u guys n reply mah . akaka . tired neh . k la . better go sleep . nite ~!
Some Interesting Pic of the Day ...
- adelee -
"it is so nice talking to u .. is like it have been knowing u for a long long time .. " dun really know whether i am dat frenly .. akaka .. give some comment oso bah . tyty
kk .. today's blog is just basically wat happen today . it is a very very tiring day lu ..
it's a sat yet need to wake up for the sake of tax class >.< (sshhh .. dun tell ms rozi ) then .. as usual la .. study study play play sleep sleep break break study study play play then go home lu .
akaka . but for today , din go home after class lu . cuz need to go matta fair with tkj . ekeke . y go matta fair ah . cuz both of us planning for redang trip in june ma . so go there get some info lu .
wyn yan aka fat "si lai" (auntie in canton) fetched me n tkj to kelana jaya station lu . thnz ya , wynyan . on the way , oni listen to his beloved Karen Kong's songs . but not bad ler . quite love her voice . very sweet . akaka . ermm .. then , both of us took putra lrt to masjid jamek lor . ahaha . me n tkj did something memalukan there . sshhh .. cannot b tell .
came the train . count every each station . cuz there is 10 station away . ish . sit until oso wan sleep d . zzzzz . at last oso reach ! then ask ppl how to go to star lrt . tkj so blur till ask the wrong place . akaka . ish ish . so , from putra lrt to star lrt before reaching putra lu . reach there , we just ikut the crowd . then , still lost . asked a guard then show us is just opposite . so .. walk walk .. at last . reached there . super lot ppl neh ! wuwuwu . n super hot !
inside ... also just followed the crowd . then when reached the entrance , the volunteer who working there say need to but ticket b4 going in . so need to go down again . aih . tired neh . bought the ticket of rm3 per person with a bag . n there we go ! walk around the booth n asking around for info lu . at last managed to get 1 satisfying resort . so , decided to go home la . b4 tat , bought drinks from mcd cuz too thirsty . then , took ktm home lu .
roughly like dat lu .. then me , tingting n tkj keep discussing it lu cuz need to confirm by tml as the matta fair is ending tml . n im having a headache . dun know is it becuz of the weather n tired . but im still awake at this time . ahaha . forgive me la . have to sms u guys n reply mah . akaka . tired neh . k la . better go sleep . nite ~!
Some Interesting Pic of the Day ...
- adelee - again
- adelee - again with tkj dis time .
the lecturers having fun during the party with the bongbong dere
tingting in sher huey's house playing piano with chinchin supervising . akaka .
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
tra la la ~~
im so lazy ler .
lazy to blog .
lazy to study .
lazy to do everything .
wuwuwu .
can some1 help me ?
ekekeke .
*no more laziness* (cakap oni la)
k la .. nothing much to blog oso .. just to blog saying that im still alive n in good pieces here . haha .
n found a nice song n im loving it now . try enjoy it . it's the song that is playing now .
im so lazy ler .
lazy to blog .
lazy to study .
lazy to do everything .
wuwuwu .
can some1 help me ?
ekekeke .
*no more laziness* (cakap oni la)
k la .. nothing much to blog oso .. just to blog saying that im still alive n in good pieces here . haha .
n found a nice song n im loving it now . try enjoy it . it's the song that is playing now .
Sunday, March 11, 2007
My Celebrity Look Alike Face .
haha .. was trying out this . is a celebrity look alike face n i tried using these pics of mine . n dis was the result . XD
http://www.myheritage.com |
http://www.myheritage.com |
Party Party Party
Yeah ! Party is all i wan ! Wohoo ! Let's get the party started ! La la la ~~
well .. today is the day where ms.rozi's house is having a party . is not really had by ms rozi . this party came out is becuz we all (Paper 9 Group 1 ) had a bet with her saying that if we got 100% passes , she will throw a party for us . although we had 1 person failed for the paper , but uncle teo (our director ) agrees to sponsor for the party .
so .. today woke around 10 something by the stupid sms . ish . wuwuwu . so , wake up drank milk . yum yum . then , wash car . wohoo ! play water =.= childish betul budak ni . ekeke . is fun to play water when the weather is so hot mah . ekeke .. forgive me lu .
then , arounf 3 something , went to bring adelee they all to sher huey's house at sierramas lu . tot can go see lionel they all swimming de , mana tau itu SHORT EMO LION wan me to fetch pei li , elaine n suan li to ms .rozi house to help her lor . so , since im so good n kind .. ekeke .. agree to tat short lion lor . went there n bought 3 watermelons before stop at ms.rozi house . later on , we start to cut the watermelons n also eat those which are not cut nicely .. ekeke . not bad not bad . then ah .. dat Suan Li ah .. so careless till she cut her thumb . take care oh , miss suan li .. XD u scare me neh with all the bloods dripping -.-
chun onn n kentt was the earliest n we r the 2nd to reach follow by ms voon sia . wah .. 1st time see ms voon sia wear in such attire neh . not bad . look like our age nia . *thumbs up* so , chat with her oso talking about her feelings of going to china soon . soon , all starts to reach lu . party start ! wohoo !
ms kiran made a cake with jelly on top . is sooooooo nice neh . love it much but too bad cant eat much cuz too full d . sorry ya , miss . XD ms shanta n mr jay came along . oh ya .. forgot to mention , uncle teo n family was there too .. ekeke ..
after all the eating , had the gift presentation to our 4 beloved lecturers . muaks ! so happy to hear that all of them love the gifts we made . a BIG cards for ms voon sia n ms shanta while key chains for ms kiran n ms rozi . then , they had game . dun know wat is it called . but is a game where u cannot say the thing tat u r showing . eg . ur finger shows as 2 , u cannot say the number 2 , but others num . lecturers v students .. too bad , the students lost . wuwuwu . the students in the game consist kentt (leader) , marriane , dexter , sanjay , iskandar had to eat up all the watermelon . ekeke . anyway , it was a nice n fun game .
pictures time !!! all of us had a BIG group pic . nice nice . (pics ... wait our mr ss king , siu hong to upload bah cuz most of it is with him )
it was a nice party . love it much . hope to have more party neh . ekeke .. la la la ...
well .. today is the day where ms.rozi's house is having a party . is not really had by ms rozi . this party came out is becuz we all (Paper 9 Group 1 ) had a bet with her saying that if we got 100% passes , she will throw a party for us . although we had 1 person failed for the paper , but uncle teo (our director ) agrees to sponsor for the party .
so .. today woke around 10 something by the stupid sms . ish . wuwuwu . so , wake up drank milk . yum yum . then , wash car . wohoo ! play water =.= childish betul budak ni . ekeke . is fun to play water when the weather is so hot mah . ekeke .. forgive me lu .
then , arounf 3 something , went to bring adelee they all to sher huey's house at sierramas lu . tot can go see lionel they all swimming de , mana tau itu SHORT EMO LION wan me to fetch pei li , elaine n suan li to ms .rozi house to help her lor . so , since im so good n kind .. ekeke .. agree to tat short lion lor . went there n bought 3 watermelons before stop at ms.rozi house . later on , we start to cut the watermelons n also eat those which are not cut nicely .. ekeke . not bad not bad . then ah .. dat Suan Li ah .. so careless till she cut her thumb . take care oh , miss suan li .. XD u scare me neh with all the bloods dripping -.-
chun onn n kentt was the earliest n we r the 2nd to reach follow by ms voon sia . wah .. 1st time see ms voon sia wear in such attire neh . not bad . look like our age nia . *thumbs up* so , chat with her oso talking about her feelings of going to china soon . soon , all starts to reach lu . party start ! wohoo !
ms kiran made a cake with jelly on top . is sooooooo nice neh . love it much but too bad cant eat much cuz too full d . sorry ya , miss . XD ms shanta n mr jay came along . oh ya .. forgot to mention , uncle teo n family was there too .. ekeke ..
after all the eating , had the gift presentation to our 4 beloved lecturers . muaks ! so happy to hear that all of them love the gifts we made . a BIG cards for ms voon sia n ms shanta while key chains for ms kiran n ms rozi . then , they had game . dun know wat is it called . but is a game where u cannot say the thing tat u r showing . eg . ur finger shows as 2 , u cannot say the number 2 , but others num . lecturers v students .. too bad , the students lost . wuwuwu . the students in the game consist kentt (leader) , marriane , dexter , sanjay , iskandar had to eat up all the watermelon . ekeke . anyway , it was a nice n fun game .
pictures time !!! all of us had a BIG group pic . nice nice . (pics ... wait our mr ss king , siu hong to upload bah cuz most of it is with him )
it was a nice party . love it much . hope to have more party neh . ekeke .. la la la ...
Friday, March 9, 2007
Something Interesting
forget about all the emo-ness . today i'll blog something interesting . i shud have blog ytd but thnx to the law , so din blog lu . XD now i'll blog .
ytd me , tkj , adelee , tingting n joanna went to pyramid for shopping lu . joanna bought a teddy while we bought a box for william's bday present as well as cards n keychain for the lecturers . then , we had lunch at kfc . after that , while walking . we saw a machine which is sort of a fortune teller thing where u put ur hand inside n it will print out watever it read from ur palm .
so , me n tkj sponsored adelee to try on it . n here's the result . nyek nyek nyek . the description is not really important . the most important is the following graph . look carefully n interpret urself bah . i even highlighted the important part . XD
Thursday, March 8, 2007
well well .. i know is quite sometime that i have no post . either im getting lazier but i dun think is due to that reason ..
dis few days had been my EMO-day . meaning of EMO ? is like where ur mood just dun get right . u just feel everything is not right and is getting u out of the way . n u just easily goes off .. *BOOM* .
is really hard to hide all the sad-ness all by my own . is really hard . tried to smile . tried to laugh . it may just work in front of frens but it neva work when im all by myself . nightmares had been "chasing" for days . im so tired . really wished that i could go to some place where there's no1 n i could rest for a moment .
additional to that .. stress is building up (quoted by stella) . to me stress is building up due to the ACCA course . haih .
- cried all the way home . blast the speaker all the way home -
sorry . im just being emo for this post . forgive me ya . XD
dis few days had been my EMO-day . meaning of EMO ? is like where ur mood just dun get right . u just feel everything is not right and is getting u out of the way . n u just easily goes off .. *BOOM* .
is really hard to hide all the sad-ness all by my own . is really hard . tried to smile . tried to laugh . it may just work in front of frens but it neva work when im all by myself . nightmares had been "chasing" for days . im so tired . really wished that i could go to some place where there's no1 n i could rest for a moment .
additional to that .. stress is building up (quoted by stella) . to me stress is building up due to the ACCA course . haih .
- cried all the way home . blast the speaker all the way home -
sorry . im just being emo for this post . forgive me ya . XD
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