Lost is the word i can define for this year's ACCA Sports Day ... Cuz as for me , i joined 3 events this year ie basketball , badminton doubles and tug of war ..
ALL LOST !!! Wuwuwuwuw .. That's so saddening. To make it more worst , all the events we only played 1 round then out we go ..
Sienzzzzzzzzzz .....BUT .. besides the sadness for the "
victory of lose", I am still very happy and excited since this is the last time that we would be joining for the sports day hoping all of us will graduate by next March . It's still fun as for one day, we get to get away from the books and enjoy the day with laughter, team work, and happiness .
Talking about basketball, i sprain my knee as i was pushed by a bigger size opponent girl with her secret weapon.. Ish ! So rough .. Wuwuwuwuwuwu ! So tall and so
BIG !!!!! RAWR !!!!!! Beh tahan . Anyway, i guess our team (me, adelee, tkj n pig ting) had did out very best in the game since we lost to the champion of the game .. =)
As for the badminton, really very sorry to Adelee ... Make her n me lose in this game at the very 1st round although the opponent are not that very good. Im not sure whether is the pig ting's racket that is so "
LIGHT" but really is a long time since i play badminton . So, i guess stamina oso gone down d. Wuwuwuwuw .. If not can get 2nd place de lorh .. So sorry adelee oh ...
Last but not least, the main event of the day ...
TUG OF WAR .. Each team consist of 5 boys and 5 girls. So we r here not excluded from this team work game. My team are formed by the 5 guys : Sui Yuan, Liang Jie, Yong We, Ching Yong and Siu Hong while the girls are Me, Adelee, TKJ, Pei Chin and Pei Ting .. At the 1st round versus Dexter's team, Ching Yong's leg cram. So, Tiger substitute him for the 2nd round. But Dexter's team was too strong that our team lost.
Although all the events that i entered lost but i am still very proud with all my friends who won like champion in volleyball, champion in both single and doubles women badminton and also champion in the frisbee. U guys are great !!!!
Congrats congrats !!It started at 8am and ends at around 5something. It is really a tiring day with all the bruises everywhere, dirts everywhere, sweat everywhere ... But a memorable day in everyone's heart .
... Pictures pictures and pictures ...

Ah Pa and Ah Lui in
Me n Suan Li .. I look so fat standing beside her T.T

The guys playing basketball

From left : Suan Li, Adelee, TKJ, Me, Babi, Sharee ..
Red in the middle !
Blue at the sides ! Other colour out of the pic !

The Leng Lui and Ms Poser , Sharee

There's a stalker took our pic ...
Me reached home with this tired and dirty lookSince all of us refuse to had dinner as all are sweaty and sticky, so we went home straight after all the events had end.
SMS-ed my dear sopo shin whether the plan is still on tonight or not. Then she said the plan goes on and this time she'll be our driver since she got the car. So yay ! Dun need to drive . Shin came to fetch me at around 9 something with son wei da already in the car . Get into the car showing my tiredness . Ekekekeke .. Then, headed to Kwan n Han's house to get them into the car too . =P
Decided to go to Metro Prima's Gasoline for our yum cha session. Im not sure why Han pronounced it as "Gas-o-line" =.=! We chose the dark session where there is not much light and sat down. Order our "shake shake" drink and some snacks to chew on. Not forgetting the waiter whom is new to there which he can't even remember all the numbers in the menu. Tsk tsk ... Boo ! But nice to bully . Wukakakakakaka ....
At first it was kinda boring as we don't what to do plus that so po shin asyik tidur aje. I got another pig fren here =.=! We played Snap then UNO ... Ate snacks we ordered. Then, is camwhore session which i think we are kinda not in the norm .... >.< It actually started with taking pic of Wei Da at the wallpaper of the paying counter. Then, there goes the craziness of us.. Ish ish ..
Again .. Pictures Says A Thousand Words ..

I wonder who's sexy leg is this trying to seduce people har ...

OMG ! Is hers ! Is her leg !!!! Now she's trying to seduce the cameraman !

That's the picture i mentioned where all the crazy thing started ..

Woi ! Dun bully the little panda larh .. See his eyes .. Wan cry d lorh ..

Im not sure Han wana pat the cat or push the cat away from the getting into this pic ...
The craziness continues with more craziness .........

So Poh Shin

So Poh Kwan

So Poh Han

So Poh Yean who is still seducing =.=!
And errr ... Baby Da ? I guess now u guys know why we are called the so pohs gang ? No need to explain more . The pictures explained everything .....
We left the place at 12am and Shin fetch all of us home ... 1st is Wei Da, then Kwan followed by Han and lastly is me ..
When dropping off Da, Shin continues her craziness by shoo-ing Da off the car and shouted at him "快点下车啦!那完东西了没有!(faster get down la!take all ur belongings d bo!) "
When dropping off Kwan, Shin yet again scolded but Kwan did not listen since she already get off. Shin shouted "没有吃饭咩!(din eat rice meh!)"in cantonese as Kwan closed the door few times.
After that, on the way back to Han's house, I seriously don't remember what is the details that Shin mumbled but she has make me and han laughed so loudly that make my stomach also bloated d . Ish .... I only remember she keep sort of nagging nagging nagging . Scold this scold that .. Ish ...
Can't really remember whether she got scold Han and Me anot .. Ahahahaha ...
Anyway, reach home 12.30 and straight to bed i went. It is such a tiring day but really thanks to all my frens especially this So Pohs gang for making my day so wonderful . Also not forgetting u guys in college . I love u guys too ! Muah !
A promise between us that will never break