Monday, November 3, 2008

Weird Things about ME

HongHong Tan tagged me where I have to list 7 weird things about myself ... Hmmm .. Let me see .. 7 weird things about meself . I don't really know how to define the word "weird" . So, following are something that I think it's weird or unusual thing about me lorh ..

Me ain't a shopaholic like any other womens loved to do in their everyday life
Really .. I really don't like shopping like any other girls do unless I have purpose for going a shopping , like i need clothes after sometime or going shopping with friends . Even if go shopping , I won't really look at things , whatever things , just walk walk walk for no purpose XD But i really love seeing my friends shop for things and give them my opinion . HAHAHA .. Guys normally say Im weird cuz i rarely walk into shops except for toy shops mayb :D

Me love cute and weird things
Well , this is what people commented on me .. I love cute things but it must be weird enough that i would actually say it's cute .. HAHAHA .. Not sure neh ..

Me hardly gets angry
Try anything on me . U would hardly see me gets into anger . The most u see is me crying . But even that, only my family sees me cry only . Nobody else .. La la la ~~~

Me hate horror movies
Although i know it is just movies , but still NO NO NO ~!! I am so not gonna watch such things . Or even play these games ! NO NO NO ~!

Omg .. I really can't think of what weird things that I have in me .. Why don't u guys tell me how weird can I be ?? =P


Steven Goh said...

hao... hardly get angry? your boyfriend must be very lucky to have u. No horror movie? like that next time cannot invite you to ghost movie... I like horror. I think I am freak

k@hy3@n said...

LOL ... too bad im single .. sobz =(
ahaha .. yeah yeah .. NO GHOST MOVIE FOR YEAN YEAN ~!!