30th August 2007 .. Once again it is a memorable day for me as well as to all my friends who went to KL . As a tradition , i'll start from the scratch of what happen but not in detail as i believe honghong will write in a very detail story . Ekeke . So, do visit his blog ya . ^.^v
In the morning , woke up early to wake up someone lu . Hehehehe .. Then, continue sleep as i am lack of sleep @.@ Around 9am , papa came n wake me up. So, wake up and get ready lu . Wohoo ! First time in ma life, i am going to countdown with ma frens. :D
After prepare myself, I asked papa to fetch me to pyramid lu as adelee n honghong are there to shop for chingyong n pei chin's present. Shop shop shop shop ..... At last, shop both of them shirts. Chingyong is a collar T while we bought a tube with a jacket for chinchin. Hehehehe .. And it cost xxx .. Ahahaaha .. Dun wan let chingyong know . :P
Around 12 like dat, adelee fetch me n siu hong to ktm station lu . adelee did not join us as she need to be driver for the day . Miss u neh . Reach time square around 1 something. Went to bought the movie tickets of "Secret" . So nice neh !!! So touching .. T.T Arggghhh ... Can't forget all the story line and also how pro does Jay plays the guitar .. Jay so leng zhai !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im in love with him ~~ XD
Then, tought want to buy cake de . Mana tau can't find the cake shop . Some more the Baker's History no cake de =.= So, decided to go find that monkey .. So long din see him d >.<>
After while, the rest who are kacy, tingting, chinchin, chingyong, tatt hoong, evelyn and wee ven reach lo. tingting n kacy came look for us at the nike shop while the others went straight to McD for lunch. So, 4 of us also say bye to monkey and went to meet up with the rest. Also get to meet Seng Kee, chin's fren. So cute la he .. Ahahaha .. Agreeing with Kacy.. They 2 so secocok neh . Ahahaha ..
After eating, kacy cant sit still d. Want to go shopping d =.= So, all get their butts up from the seat and start to walk out. When walking half way ... zzooooommmmmmmm ... Kacy already in one of the shops looking at the clothes . Memang shopaholic . So, we shop from 1 shop to another shop . From 1 floor to another floor . I think we went to all shops of 3 floors. Kaki pun sakit. Until 5.20pm oni realising the show is starting. So, all headed to the cinema. Luckily is at the same floor neh . As i said .. the movie is really touching . Cuz is kinda unexpected of the story ends . Wuwuwuwuwu ... Must watch must watch .
After movie, kacy went home 1st while yiwen joined us followed by stella and yilian at tepanyaki. Before that, me and honghong went to secret recipe to buy cake . But this time is not the ordinary secret recipe cake. It is so special neh . Show u in the pic . Cuz lazy to describe long long .
After the usual the cake smashing tradition once more (chingyong has black forest with extra chilli sauce on his face) but pei chin chose to ate the berry with super lots wasabi (wooo .. tears tears coming out ), each of us took a spoon and just start to take some cake straight from there. End up it was kinda super messy but it's really fun cuz it's the first time we actually ate that way. Every1 who is eating there just cant stop staring at us as we stand to eat n made a hell lot of noise.
Then, settling all the bills, headed to Sg Wang lorh. On the way, we also bought some sprays which cost us rm10 for 4 and we bought 12 and free 2. The guy selling it was kinda unlucky as he met with a bunch of accountants. Ahahaha .. We keep bargain n bargain n bargain till we got the 2 free bottles of spray . Still not really satisfying. Cuz when we used it, it's like spray few times no more d. Ppl 1 super lot of the foam . Ish !
We walk walk walk .. SS everywhere we stop, everything we see. The SS part maybe u guys just link to siu hong blog. Ahahahaha .. Or i'll post some pictures below.
When 12 am nears, we walked to the bintang walk and it's crowded. U cant even find where is the road. Sad to say there's no countdown. So, is like each group countdown on their own n just shout "merdeka". Ahahaha . Feel weird for a moment. Then, there's a group of malay people (look down on them), they actually stop each vehicles that need to pass thru the crowd and spray on the cars. The spraying is not too bad, the worst is they even step onto the cars and jump jump jump. OMG !!! Kelian the uncle lerr .. Some more is a proton wira. U know lah , how strong can a wira's body be. Haih .. The uncle can do nothing but just smile at the crowd and slowly drive thru..
Oh ya.. there's another interesting part when we walk around at the bintang walk. We actually saw a live drama entitled The Break Up . From the girl stoping the guy walking away to the girl crying alone in the street with her girl friend comforting her . So sad neh .. What a memory on merdeka day . Haih .. Never break up on such special days cuz it will cause a very very suffer in the future when each this special event comes by. Anyway, that's nothing to be proud of lah . Just pity the gal lu . Wish her all the best . ^.^
After all the spraying and watching chingyong's brave in protecting stella, we also walk back to monorail lu. All went home with a happy laugh and a smelly body . Ahahaha .. Really enjoyed. ^.^
- the cake -

- the night life -