Just a short update of last week's gathering with my dear collegemate. It was kinda "ad-hoc" gathering invited by PeiTing few days before that. She asked whether Im free for a dinner. Of course i said yes and I too offered to ask around other friends. The lazy me did not sms to others but just made a small announcement in MSN and also in FB. But gladly to say that 20 of us manage to join the dinner which this time is at Sushi Tei, Tropicana City Mall.
One good thing about having a gathering with collegemates, we hardly have a gathering which is less than 20 people. Our gathering would normally be the biggest group in the restaurant and of course the noisest of all. XD
It had been quite sometimes since we last met in May for Sharee and TKJ's birthday. Of course there's a lot of things to catch up among us. Lots of story to tell especially from those who are working for almost 8 months now. Time really is flying. Imagine last year this time we are still a Uni student, but just 1 year passed, most of us already or going to be in the working world where things are really different. Missed you guys a lot. Hope our next gathering won't need to wait for another few months again. ^^
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