Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Officially Attached ^.^
Me : Papa ... Got something to tell u neh ....
Papa : Wat ...
Me : Errrr ... Errr ... Dunno how to tell leh .....
Papa : Wat dunno how to say . Just say lah . Wat thing .
Me : I errrr ... Got boyfriend d lorh ....
Papa : (Laughed) Wah ! Got boyfriend d worh .. Good lah . Bring him home lah .. Where u know hom de ..
There goes the Q&A session between me n papa . But papa seems satisfied . *wink* Then, the usual parents' talk lor .
Just be friends friends lor . U all girls later the most hurt is urself ah . So, must know how to take care ah especially when handling in ur emotions...
Me : HAIK !!!!!!!!!! (smile)
Love my darling much ! Muaks !
And last but least not forgetting Adelee n Tingting for all the support and of course from my dar dar . Ekekeke ....
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Ur money is MINE, My money is MINE :P
Someone says he love this pic a lot . So i'll just post it here lu . *wink*
Just finished my FR test on Saturday at 5.30 to 8.30 (my precious dinner time neh). Nothing much to be said about the test . The questions was like 75% is theory rather than 70% of calculation. So wrote a lot compare to "poking" the calculator. Wuwuwu . Tot was a calculation paper. Cis .. Ms Menon bully me ..
Then on Sunday, as usual had my 9 hours of class. Spending my time with frens n Ms Menon for my lovely Sunday. Even my family, I also don't spend so long with them in a day leh . Ekekeke . For the whole day, we learnt about Groups Account only and came to this interesting part where dar n I was just talking about it at the day before. Ekekeke ..
Groups Account
On the date of acquisition , we got to determine the profits before acquisition ie pre-profit and profir after acquisition ie post-profit. Pre-profit theoratically are the subsidiary's profits. Only post-profits are belong to the parents.
Application to Life
Ms Menon said .....
In real life also like that . To a girl .. Ur husband's money is my money and my money is still my money . :D
This statement is truly from a pure accountant. Ahahaha .. So, can't blame us for having this statement to the guys neh . Ekekeke ...
But i think for ting ting is not the same . Ahaha . She what also chingyong chingyong nia . Aih .. Don't want teach her how to be a good gf d . :D U 2 sendiri "zap sang" la . Ahaha . I speechless d . :X
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Stress Stress
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Happy 1 Month
We were just talking and refresh our memory of the very 1st day . While i keep refreshing , I'm really really happy . Happy to have that very moment of ours. Then , we even argue about the "1 month" .
Y : Eh .. Now ady tuesday hor ..
A : Mmmmm ..
Y : Happy 1 Month !!!!!
A : Wat 1 month .. 7 x 4 .. Only 28 days lah . 2 more days oni is 1 month ..
Y : Oooo .. Ok .. Happy 4 weeks then ..
(Paused a while)
A : Ok Ok ... 1 month 1 month . Happy 1 month
Y : Herh ! Dun wan happy 1 month d . Wait 2 more days oni i say again . Herh !
A : Wat wat wat ... ( connection bit problem)
Y : Nothing . herh .. :P
After the little argument, flash back of what happen . Every single words that was said . Everything that was done. All the ups n downs over the 1 month . We have learn to become more mature each time we r down . This is wat we called the learning curve .
Glad that all these is happening to me :D

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Ting Ting !!!!
I've known u .. Let me see .. Since mid of last year when we are suppose to group into about 20 peoples for the Moral Project. Since, ting's group of frens + my group of yoyo gang manage to came up with 20 of us.. So, since then, we are in a group for the project and from there we get to know each other.
After half a year, which is this year ... She also changed to our group as Stella couldn't fit her time for their actual group. So, ting sort of accompanied her to our group. And that's how we became even more closer when time goes by.
She's a cute gurl who actually sometimes love to nag us =.= She also a super blur gurl which we ranked her to be the No.2 Blur Gal in our group. Ekekeke .. A smart gal as well ... N oh ya .. Just a moment ago, me n lionel oso just named her .. She is a HEN !!! Why ? Ask her lah .. She has also become one of my close close fren who always be there for me when i needed some1 to be my listener. Thank u gal.. Ooppsss .. No no .. Thank you, popo ... XD
-- My Dear Ting Ting aka PoTing --
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Emo Audit Lecturer
At last today she said something true from her heart...
I know many of u has been going 1 by 1 out from this class to Goh's class. Eventually when the class is full or somehow u're not accepted and u come back to this class.
At last !!!! She's saying it out . Ahahahaha .. That's why she so emo. XD (anyway, just a guess from us). But memang kelian her lah. A class which is full of students, now we dun even have to go early to book place. There's plenty of place !! I can't imagine what if my gang swtich class too. She definitely will be super sad as i can say that our gang forms most of the people in the class. Tsk tsk ...
Maybe financially, sooner or later, it's going to be a little problem between us. And i know it's already bothering u now which u refuse to show me that i am right. Maybe it's really hard to find a better solution for this. Haihzzzz..... But still missing u deeply ...
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Badminton Day
Slept half way, han sms-ed me ask me wana go for badminton anot later in the evening . So, with eye open half, just replied yes. Cause thinking if not, i'll be sleeping like a pig till dinner time. Around 4 something, still sleepy but forced myself to wake up. Online while waiting for han to come n fetch me. Then, there we go . To badminton hall we go. XD
Play for an hour so.. Argghh .. Stamina sudah merosot neh . Ish ish . Now right hand pain pain neh . Wuwuwuwuwu .. Sad sad . When we went to the "starplus", the badminton hall near my house, we met shin's classmate which is also our secondary skul frens lo. Funny thing is shin rejected them but came with us. So her frens jokingly scold her . Ahahaha. Kelian . Not our fault oh . U urself say they went to FRIM . Ahahahaha
After badminton, went for dinner at The Prince lo. Together with shin's fren. Then, itu popomama punya son wei da say wan go maluri to meet some1 awhile. He said A WHILE ! n we waited actually almost 1 n half hour !!!!!! OMG ! Argh .. Next time dun wan trust u d . Herh ! Sendiri jalan balik...
Oo yah .. when we were having our dinner, some were reading magazine and they saw the winner for the dunno wat summer boy competition. Wow .. And a guy from our school actually won it. Same year as me de but 1 year older. Honestly he's handsome during our skul time. We always call him "Edison Chan" cuz he really quite a lot like him . Leng zhai nyer .. But too bad .. he's not good academically . There, the pic i took using han's new phone. XD

Thursday, September 6, 2007
Long Distance Relationship
To be in love and to loved is definitely a wonderful thing to do. It is very seldom people can actually have long distance relationship. It's not easy as it really takes a double effort as compared to the normal love relationship.
The first thing would definitely be u can't even see the loved one when u actually seriously need the comfort from them. Another thing u actually spend more than what u normally would in order to maintain the relationship although u dun really going out with them. Why? Cuz u spend a lot on the phone. It really takes a lot of courage and patient if u r in this long distance relationship. Most of these couples normally end up with a break up as they can't handle the situations when times go by. It's really really tough.
However, i still see there are couples who manage to be together for a long long time although they are far apart. So, what i see is like what my friend told me this morning, it all depends on the will of the couples to move on. It also need trust from both side. With this, the love will be last forever.
I wished all the best to long distance couples. Be strong to the end. It'll be happy n sweet memory. ^.^
Monday, September 3, 2007
How does normally one person read their sms..
The message that i sent sounds this way:
Malulah.. can ask u a favour? Do u hav spare cash 2 lend me ?
The bank says my acc, left $999,999.90.
Juz lend me 10cent, SO I CAN BE MILLIONAIRE ;)
Most people would only read the 1st 2 Q as they would though that that is the end of the message. Ive send to some of my friends. So, here are their replies..
Adelee: Woh ? Got ah. Y ?
Me: Pinjam me la . Ty. Muaks . Wuahaha
Adelee: How much o?
Me: Err . I need a lot . Inside dat msg i got write ma .
Adelee: Did not say o .
(called her and asked her to scroll down the msg oni she realise that)
Monkey Gor: Need 2wait til 10th oni my salary came out wor...
Sifu: Berapa ringgit?
Me: Betul nak pinjam ah ? Pai seh . Wuahaha .
Sifu: Kalau the amount okok..and boleh afford..still can lar..apasal suddenly mau duit?
Me: Mau tau why i wan ? sifu sure can afford 1 . u go scroll down dat msg again.
Sifu: What da!!ceik puas puas!!
Honghong: Of course can la. Why wor. Wat happened ? ok boh. got got. help as much as i could.
Me: haha . err . cuz hor cuz hor ... i pai seh la . nvm la . adelee lend me . u cont read the msg la . wuahaha .
Honghong: Aiyo. fren fren why paiseh. wat happened wor.
Lionel: Got.. You need how much..?
IpohChai: How much? For wat purpose?
Me: Err . Wan say meh . i shy leh . dun ask me wat purpose la . just want to leng me anot .
IpohChai: Don wan! Later u ask me a few million how.
(told him to read the msg again)
IpohChai: sei dum dum
Susu san: Huh? How many? Wat happen to u ?
Me: Haih . Need money lo . Wuwuwu . How much ah . My dat msg got write ma . U read again .
Susu san: Ah!!!! Wat da.. Kena tipu liao.. Aiyo tis ah pa san very jahat wan.. Cheh.dun wan friend wif u liao.
ChingYong: Lol.. Haha. u wan for wat? How much?
Me: To err . To pay my acca fee . I very poor .
ChingYong: Lol.. Dont fake fake la.. Ask ur daddy la.. Acca fee they will pay
Me: i poor ma . wuwuwu . help me la . ok ? ekekeke .
ChingYong: Lol.. U sure one bor? How much o? Haha..
Me: err. u go scroll down the msg again. i got write how much i need . ty oh .
There are oni 2 persons who actually read the full message. They are our dear tkj, christine and hoehoe (one of my net fren). Congrats to them ohhh ..
Ahahaha .. This really shows how do normally people read a sms . So , do remember ya . Do scroll down make sure it is really end of the msg d . XD